Pet registrations due

Wyndham pet owners are being reminded that registrations for their pampered pooch or cute kittens are almost due.
Animal registrations in Wyndham Council are due on Wednesday 10 April and pet owners should have already received their renewal notice in the mail.
Councillor Bob Fairclough said ensuring pets were registered allowed the council to keep track of the numbers of domestic animals across the municipality.
“Registering pets allows Wyndham City to keep current statistics on the number of dogs and cats in the municipality and provide the right services and facilities,” Cr Fairclough said.
“Services such as the Wyndham Pet Expo and Microchipping Days are all the result of statistics we keep from animal registrations.
“Animal registrations also assist us to reunite pets with their owners should they go missing, which makes it vital that details are kept up to date.
“Pet owners who fail to register their pets by the due date may face infringement notices.”
To update your details or for more information on animal registration, phone Wyndham Council on 9742 0777 or visit

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