Rock and roll together

Miriam and Paul show off their dancing skills. 95094 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

FOR one Wyndham couple the best marriage counselling is done on the dance floor, as they kick their heels up to their favourite music.
Miriam and Paul Beasley are approaching their 10th anniversary since they opened their own dace school, Flaming 50s Rock ‘n’ Roll.
Miriam has been a dancer for 24 years, taking out state championships while Paul only took up the sport just over 10 years ago.
“To be honest, the movie Dirty Dancing is what really got me started,” Miriam said.
“It’s great fun, it keeps you young and it takes the blues away.”
While the couple specialises in rock ‘n’ roll dancing they also like to teach swing, jive and cha cha.
“It’s just rewarding to see the smile on people’s faces when you’ve taught them something and they can do it on the dance floor,” Miriam said.
“I just figured that if I love doing it and it made me happy then surely it could make other people happy too.”
While Paul is spinning her all around the dance floor, Miriam said the secret to not getting dizzy was to avoid looking at the ground.
Paul, who is still technically considered an amateur, said he enjoyed the social aspect of rock ‘n’ roll dancing.
“It’s a great way of meeting such a huge variety of people and it helps people break out of the environment they usually deal with,” Paul said.
“It’s also really good for your memory because you need to remember quite a few moves for every song.”
Miriam and Paul teach their style of dancing at the Central Park Community Centre in Hoppers Crossing.
For more information call 0409 183 620.

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