Zumba for kids

Zumba teacher Josie with her class. 94661 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

IT WAS a dance craze that got people moving but zumba is no longer just for the adults with one woman taking the fun to the young.
Williamstown resident Josie Apse has been an aerobics instructor for 16 years and when zumba came to town a few years ago she jumped on its grooving wagon.
The mother of three soon realised there was a gap in the market with normal dance classes asking to pay up-front fees and stick to a schedule.
Ms Apse’s creative form of pop dance/zumba is especially designed for children to “express their creativity in a non-judgemental environment”.
“It’s not hard-core exercise it’s getting them moving increasing cardiovascular and muscle tone,” she said.
“Zumba moves all muscles in your body, upper body workout and lower body. Another reason parents love it is because kids get warn out.”
Ms Apse said her classes are pay as you go and cater for two-and-a-half-year-olds and up to eight-year-old dancers.
“It’s really catchy tunes and simple dance moves.”
She said her students get to experiment with their own dance moves and express themselves creatively with no pressure.
“It’s more about getting them fit and learning to express themselves and feel confident about dance.”
Ms Apse also takes adult zumba classes for adults.
Classes are held every Wednesday from 5pm at the Joan Kirner Centre, Williamstown. Adult classes are held every Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6.30pm at Williamstown North Primary School.
For more information contact Josie on 0403316433.

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