Dancing with the stars

 82381 Pictures: MATHEW LYNN 82381 Pictures: MATHEW LYNN

WYNDHAM was awash with twinkle-toed couples last week as one of the biggest competitive dancing competitions in Victoria descended upon the municipality, possibly for the last time.
The 2012 Victorian Open DanceSport Championships were held at the Wyndham Leisure and Events Centre in Hoppers Crossing last Sunday.
Dancers from as far away as Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales, Canberra and Queensland took part in the competition, which pitted professional and amateur athletes against each other.
“The event was an absolute huge success,” event organiser Heather Marcus told Star.
“We had almost 70 people working behind the scenes and it took us a full day to set up the venue.”
Ms Marcus said unfortunately with the possibility that the Wyndham Leisure and Events Centre could be redeveloped soon, this year’s event could be the last time it is held in Wyndham.
“Unfortunately this is probably the last time people will be able to see these magnificent dancers in the City of Wyndham,” she said.
“With the centre being redeveloped soon we would need to find a new venue for two years and currently the cost of hiring the venue has just become too expensive.
“A lot of Wyndham residents have expressed great sadness that they won’t be able to see this event in their city again.”
The highly competitive night has been held in Wyndham since 2001 when Ms Marcus was approached by DanceSport to create an event specifically for Victoria.

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