Hotspot for car damage

WYNDHAM has once again been ranked as one of the worst hotspots for malicious damage of cars with the release of new figures.
RACV Insurance released its top 10 regions for damage claims by motor vehicle owners with Wyndham and Melton being ranked eighth in Victoria.
The two regions made up four per cent of the total claims made in 2011, slightly up from the year before when they made up 3.7 per cent of claims.
Malicious incidents included vehicles being broken into, keyed and scratched, and windows being smashed.
Incidents of roof denting caused by people jumping on cars were also reported.
The RACV data showed that there were more than 1,250 claims for malicious damage incidents
in Victoria during 2011, with total claims reaching almost $3.5million, at an average of $2,766
per claim.
RACV General Manager Insurance Paul Northey urged residents to park their cars in safer areas.
“To reduce the risk of malicious damage, you should try to avoid parking in locations where
vandals are more likely to strike, such as train stations, shopping centres or on the side of the
road,” Mr Northey said.
“If possible, park in a secure area that is well-lit at night. Make sure that you always lock all
doors and windows and remove any personal valuables from the car or hide them from view.
“The RACV claims data also showed that 57 per cent of malicious damage incidents occurred
between the daylight hours of 6am and 6pm, illustrating that vandalism happens at all hours
and motorists need to be vigilant at all times.”

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