WESTGROVE Primary School’s multimedia students are already showing their great talents and have been announced as 2013 Screen It finalists.
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) last week announced the finalists for the annual Screen It competition which is Australia’s largest competition for school-aged film-makers, animators and game makers.
The Westgrove students are one of seven finalists nation-wide in the Primary Animation category.
Multimedia teacher Angela Walsh said the school had only just introduced the multimedia program to the Grades 5 and 6 students this year and was proud the students were already producing a high standard of work.
“They’ve done extremely well,” Ms Walsh said.
“They sacrificed one or two lunch times a week to work on the project over the term.”
“They showed a lot of independence and their enthusiasm was definitely evident.”
Ms Walsh said the group of students who worked on the project eagerly approached her at lunch times to work on the project.
“They showed true dedication and perseverance,” she said.
Everything in the movie from voice-overs to the music was created by the students.
“They created little plasticine characters with the wire to stabilise it and they created the scenery and all the things that are on the movie itself they created,” Ms Walsh said.
“They are very proud of what they’ve achieved,” she said.
Almost 1500 students from 373 schools from every state and territory created live-action films, computer games and animations to suit this year’s theme ‘Connect’.
The winners will be announced on the ACMI website on Monday 25 November.
For more information on Screen It 2013 visit acmi.net.au/screenit