Sisters on the strings

Lysianne and Stephanie Ahtumam on the violins. 109315 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


SIBLINGS from Heathdale Christian College in Werribee are following the same rhythm as they prepare to perform in Orchestra Victoria’s mOVe Future Talent Concert.
Sisters Lysianne and Stephanie Ahtuam both play the violin, both love it and have both been selected to perform later this month.
Lysianne, who has just completed Year 12, started playing the violin four years ago.
She was inspired by her older sister Hannah who also played the violin and younger sister Stephanie who was also playing the instrument.
Stephanie, who is now in Year 10, started playing the violin in grade two after also being inspired by her older sister Hannah.
And although Hannah does not play as much anymore her younger sisters are continuing the legacy.
The pair said they loved playing and practicing together.
“It’s really good because we always practice together, she’s my motivation to keep practicing,” Lysianne said.
“Two violins sound better than just being on your own so it’s good to practice together,” she said.
The girls have played in various orchestras since they started and are now both in the college orchestra.
“It’s good because I love violin and I can share that with her,” Stephanie said.
“And it’s really good because we can learn from each other,” she said.
The girls were also selected to be part of Orchestra Victoria’s On the mOVe education program where they participated in master classes with professional orchestra players.
Music teacher and conductor of the College Orchestra David Filip said the introduction of the College Orchestra this year helped students further develop into musicians.
“The orchestra helps the students get more skills and experience,” he said.
“It’s really a pleasure to see both Lysianne and Stephanie and how much they’ve improved.”
The free concert will be held at the Dallas Brooks Centre on 30 November for more information contact Orchestra Victoria on 9649 3600.

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