Animal tales

Pawfect friends … Ashlie Reker, left, with cat Serena and Liliana Iuri with Mimo. 37346 Picture: SARAH MATRAYPawfect friends … Ashlie Reker, left, with cat Serena and Liliana Iuri with Mimo. 37346 Picture: SARAH MATRAY

By Belinda Nolan
IF MAN’S best friends could talk, what they’d say could fill a book.
While there’s little chance of pooches and moggies learning their ABCs, a local animal action group is hoping to give pampered Brimbank pets a chance to let their barks and meows do the talking. And it’s all in support of a good cause.
The Brimbank Pet Neighbourhood Watch Action Group is compiling a book of pet tales to showcase the individual stories of pets in Brimbank.
The book will be written from the perspective of the animals themselves, rather than their owners. Founder Liliana Iuri said the group hoped to highlight the plight faced by many animals placed in pounds or euthanised each year.
“It’s basically an oral history which will give the pets a voice,” Ms Iuri said.
“We want to raise money to support animal welfare organisations which are doing a fantastic job.
“Not many people are aware of the sufferings many animals go through,” Ms Iuri said.
“Each year at least 200,000 animals are euthanised because they simply can’t find good homes for them.
”We’re trying to promote responsible pet ownership and entertain people with some fascinating stories at the same time.”
The book will feature stories from action group members, as well as school children. Ms Iuri has enlisted the help of fellow group member Ashlie Reker to compile the book, which is expected to take about six months to produce.
The group is looking for sponsorship to print the book, as well as animal welfare organisations to partner the project.
“I like to dream big and worry about all the rest as I go along,” Ms Iuri said. Anyone interested in being involved or donating to the project can contact Ms Iuri on 0422 378 515.

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