By Bridie Byrne
COMMUNITY outrage is forcing Wyndham City Council to reveal its stance on a controversial land tax that will evict residents from their homes.
Lobby group Taxed Out met with the councillors last Monday in a bid to garner support against the Growth Area Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC).
The council had refused to take a stand over the last four months, claiming it was a State Government matter.
Acting CEO Bernie Cronin said the council had not currently adopted a position.
It is expected to make a measured decision within the coming weeks.
Taxed Out president Michael Hocking, vice-president Nola Dunn and three affected Wyndham residents laid everything out on the table.
Nola Dunn said as elected representatives, the councillors should be taking a position.
“If we put enough pressure from the ground up we will get them to change the legislation,” she said.
Ms Dunn said the threat of scare tactics was the only reason the meeting took place.
The group had warned they would bombard the council chambers with protesters.
Melton, Cardinia, Casey and Mitchell Shires have opposed the GAIC legislation.
The recent changes to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) hinge on the parliament passing the controversial $95,000 per hectare tax.
The GAIC will only apply to landowners who sell or subdivide their rezoned farming land.
It will be backdated to 2 December last year, leaving some farmers already in debt.