Secret to a long life

By Belinda Nolan
THE secret to longevity is living your life on the right side of the law.
So says Bharpur Singh.
And at 94 years of age, he could be considered something of an expert.
The Keilor Downs resident has spent almost a century devoting his life to keeping on the straight and narrow.
And it’s paid off.
Although he’s not as spry as he once was, Mr Bharpur says he has no cause for complaint.
He still drives, writes articles for Indian magazines and remains heavily involved in local senior citizens clubs.
He’s even on email.
“I do know all the computer basics,” Mr Singh said.
“My grandson taught me. I do a lot on my computer. I send emails and write articles and letters. I really enjoy it.”
After arriving in Australia from India in 1985, Mr Singh settled in Brimbank, where he has lived for almost two decades.
He boasts a brood of six children, 16 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
Mr Singh celebrated his birthday last Tuesday at a senior citizens tea dance organised as part of the Brimbank Seniors Festival.
Hundreds of seniors kicked their heels up to rock ‘n’ roll and golden oldie tunes at the tea dance, to celebrate the contribution older people make to the community.
Other festival activities will include come and try days at Brimbank leisure centres, libraries and lawn bowl greens.

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