Eating for others

FOOTSCRAY’S Harambe Restaurant is calling on residents to eat local to feed global this Sunday, when they will host an I Heart Africa Famine fund-raiser. The event, run in conjunction with Greens MLC Colleen Hartland and Oxfam, will feature traditional Ethiopian music and guest speaker, 2009 Victorian Australian of the Year Dr Berhan Ahmed. Harambe owner Dershaye Tessema, right, tucked into some of the food that will be on offer with one of his regulars, 83-year-old Tekalegn Hulukas. Tickets are $50 per person, or $35 for concession. Call 9689 6373 to make a booking. 71514  Picture: NICOLE SULTANAFOOTSCRAY’S Harambe Restaurant is calling on residents to eat local to feed global this Sunday, when they will host an I Heart Africa Famine fund-raiser. The event, run in conjunction with Greens MLC Colleen Hartland and Oxfam, will feature traditional Ethiopian music and guest speaker, 2009 Victorian Australian of the Year Dr Berhan Ahmed. Harambe owner Dershaye Tessema, right, tucked into some of the food that will be on offer with one of his regulars, 83-year-old Tekalegn Hulukas. Tickets are $50 per person, or $35 for concession. Call 9689 6373 to make a booking. 71514 Picture: NICOLE SULTANA

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