THE Growth Areas Authority has denied that a new development that could see more than 2000 more homes brought to Point Cook might take valuable land away from the Werribee Employment Precinct.
Star attempted to attend a meeting being held by the Growth Areas Authority last week about the Point Cook West Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) after being told by a GAA employee that the meeting was open to the public and a booking was not needed.
When Star arrived for the meeting however we were asked to leave as the GAA representative was not authorised to make public comments.
Tony Hooper from Point Cook, who did attend the meeting, said it raised more questions than answers.
“A lot of people have concerns about what’s happening here,” Mr Hooper said.
“At the moment we’re being told one thing by the GAA and another thing by the council and the residents are stuck in the middle.”
Mr Hooper said it was indicated at the meeting that land from the vitally important Werribee Employment Precinct could be used for the Point Cook West PSP.
“We haven’t been given any concrete answers,” he said.
But GAA CEO Peter Seamer said that no land from the employment precinct would be used for this new development.
“The Point Cook West PSP only looks at land on the eastern side of the Princes Freeway. The Werribee Employment Precinct land lies to the west of the Princes Freeway and this is an entirely different exercise, which will be discussed as it develops,” Mr Seamer said.
Mr Seamer said a diamond interchange between Sneydes Rd and the Princes Freeway would eventually be built.
“Both the interchange and the roll out of homes at Point Cook West will evolve over time,” he said.
“Planning for Wyndham is also geared towards creating employment close to home to reduce travel times for residents and ease congestion.”