WYNDHAM’S Municipal Early Years Plan 2013-2017 will be launched this week by Child Safety Commissioner Bernard Geary.
The plan seeks to maintain and develop a better quality of life for children aged between birth and 12 years, who make up close to 20 per cent of the population in Wyndham.
Wyndham Councillor Adele Hegedich said the plan aimed to help the municipality develop a “child friendly city” that catered for the needs of these children.
“The MEYP guarantees the right of every young citizen to influence decisions about their city, express their opinion about the type of city they want and participate in family, community and social life,” she said.
Up to 300 children were consulted to develop the plan, as well as adults who provide education and support for them.
“We want this plan to bring a strong focus on infrastructure being child-friendly, improved quality and capacity of early childhood education and increasing childcare services,” Cr Hegedich said.
“It also aims for better quality and better maintained play equipment at parks, makes sure children services are properly integrated and advocates for increased funding for children’s programs and services.
“Providing an environment in which children develop, learn and grow to their optimum potential is one of the greatest responsibilities of any community, and even more so in Wyndham where so many kids are growing up.”
To see the plan go to www.wyndham.vic.gov.au