Brawl over super savings


MANY of Wyndham’s most needy residents will lose up to $500 a year in superannuation if Tony Abbott is elected Prime Minister, according to Julia Gillard.
Ms Gillard told Star that more than 33,500 residents in her electorate of Lalor, which includes the suburbs of Werribee, Point Cook, Laverton and Melton, could lose much needed super.
Ms Gillard said the Coalition had confirmed that people earning less than $37,000 a year would be forced to pay tax on their super contributions.
“My government has made changes to ensure that low income workers are no longer paying tax on their superannuation contributions,” Ms Gillard said.
“This will assist low income and part-time workers to achieve financial security and build their wealth for their retirement.
“The Coalition, however, has confirmed that they will reimpose the contribution tax on low income workers, including 33,500 hard working local residents.”
Ms Gillard said the Coalition’s changes would affect people working in a range of fields.
“Under an Abbott government, mums working part-time, contract cleaners, shop assistants, child care workers, hairdressers, aged care and disability workers, hospitality staff, gardeners and many others on low-incomes and part-time incomes will pay more tax on their super,” she said.
But Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey said Labor would be forced to do the same as the Coalition has promised and drop the low income super tax offset.
“The Federal Government has linked its low income superannuation offset to the failed mining tax. The Coalition has been transparent in saying that if were elected to office it will dump the mining tax and its associated expenditure,” Mr Hockey said.
Labor will have to do the same because this is a tax that has barely raised a dollar. Whatever they say now, if re-elected Labor would be forced to scrap the low income super tax offset because they can’t afford it.”

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