HUNDREDS of Wyndham residents will unite later this month to show their strength, determination and caring in the face of one of Australia’s biggest killers.
The Wyndham Relay for Life will be held at the Victoria University athletics track and so far a record 89 teams have signed up for the challenge.
Event Chair Manager, Anne-Marie Dey, said more and more young people were signing up to take part in the event, which will see teams of 10 or more carrying a baton around a track overnight.
“Last year we doubled our teams, participants and money raised,” Ms Dey said.
“What I’m really impressed about is how many young teams there are this year. We’ve got about 15 teams of young adults and they’re the future so it’s good to see them coming through.”
Heath Little and his immediate and extended family members will take part in the relay for the second year in memory of several friends and relatives who has passed away from cancer.
“It’s an emotional day and night and I think it’s an eye opener for everyone involved,” Mr Little said.
Mr Little’s two sons, Katu, eight, and Tawhaki, five, and his niece Taiapa, five, will also take part in the event.
“I think the kids need to be involved because as they get older they’ll learn more about it,” he said.
“It just shows them that things like this can bring people together.”
According to the Cancer Council 439 Wyndham residents are diagnosed with cancer every year and over the last 10 years Relay for Life events in Wyndham have raised more than $1.2 million.
The Wyndham Relay for Life will be held on 20 April. For more information visit www.relayforlife.org.au