WYNDHAM men who are entering their senior years are being encouraged to keep moving for the sake of their health and wellbeing.
Tony Bradford from Hoppers Crossing knows only too well the importance of being fit and healthy and not taking your health for granted.
A keen footballer and cricketer in his earlier years, Mr Bradford began to stack on the weight when he turned 27.
“I was down for a very long time and I wasn’t really doing anything,” Mr Bradford said.
Mr Bradford also survived skin cancer which he said put things into perspective.
Now 73-years-old, Mr Bradford has competed in countless athletics competitions, winning Australian Masters titles and training seven days a week.
“It’s the only thing in life. There’s no alternative to being fit and healthy really,” he said.
“You’ve just got to control what you can control and don’t switch off.”
Mr Bradford is organising an older men’s fitness program, called Senior Men in Light Exercise (SMILE).
He said he hopes the program would make older men feel comfortable about becoming active again.
“I’ll tell a joke every week to lighten the mood,” he said.
“It’s so important for people my age to look after themselves.”
SMILE is being organised through the Werribee division of the University of the Third Age (U3A), a voluntary senior’s group that helps older residents learn new skills and enjoy their later years.
For more information visit contact the U3A Secretary Dave Callan on 9974 2008 or write to PO Box 1264, Werribee Plaza, 3030.