Wanted: Traffic and transport advocates

Councillor Glenn Goodfellow wants Wyndham residents to become advocates for transport in the municipality. 83991Councillor Glenn Goodfellow wants Wyndham residents to become advocates for transport in the municipality. 83991

WYNDHAM residents with an interest in the municipality’s traffic and transport issues are being urged to join the peak advisory committee.
The Wyndham Transport Advisory Committee (WTAC) advises Wyndham Council on key transport issues from a policy, strategy and advocacy perspective.
Deputy Mayor Glenn Goodfellow, who is also a member of the committee, said representatives should have a passion and commitment to see transport concerns addressed in Wyndham.
“Wyndham residents will be well aware of the variety of transport issues facing our community,” Cr Goodfellow said.
“Wyndham City also acknowledges the critical role transport plays in the health and wellbeing of our residents.
“People who have skills in any area of traffic or transport including trains, buses, cycling, cars, walking, roads, freight and safety should consider nominating.”
Cr Goodfellow said being on the committee gave residents a chance to make a difference to their community.
“Feedback and advice from the committee will not only assist our advocacy campaigns, it will also be used to create strategies and policies and for input to external documents such as parliamentary inquiries. This is the vital role that the WTAC will play,” he said.
“Not only are we aiming to create a stronger focus on skills, expertise and interest in transport, Wyndham City is seeking to achieve a much broader cross representation on the committee. Men and women of all ages, interests and from different areas of Wyndham are welcome to nominate.”
For more information visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au.

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