ALL eyes, and especially ears, were on Wyndham last week as not only the Prime Minister and her top colleagues dropped into town, but the municipality was the focus of a radio show.
Lindy Burn’s Drive program rolled into town last week to explore the fastest growing area in Australia as part of 774 ABC’s Zone 2 project.
The radio show set up camp at the Werribee Plaza and interviewed local celebrities as well as ordinary residents.
They spoke to Parks Victoria’s Roger Taylor, the venue service manager for Werribee Mansion as well as Brad McLean from the Western Treatment Plant.
The show also stopped by Julia Gillard’s office to talk about her electorate and the challenges facing it.
The previous day Ms Burns was on the opposite side of Melbourne exploring Pakenham.
“Melbourne’s urban area has quadrupled in size in the past 65 years and the ABC’s Zone 2 project is an online show and tells of those changes,” a spokesperson from 774 ABC said.
“Lindy will explore these communities, focusing on the rate of development, infrastructure shortcomings and talking to locals about why they love living where they do.”
For more information and to view snapshots of the show visit abc.net.au/melbourne.