VEC reviews council wards

THE boundaries of Wyndham could potentially change as the Victorian Electoral Commission announced they will be reviewing the electoral representation for the municipality.
The VEC, under the guidance of Commissioner Steve Tully, will consider the number of councillors for the municipality and its electoral structure.
In the lead-up to the next council elections, Mr Tully invited residents interested in the review to attend a public information session.
Mr Tully said the VEC would consider any application from residents who would like to see change, or stop it, in their council.
“The review considers a range of information, including evidence put forward in public submissions,” Mr Tully said.
Any person or group can make a written submission to the VEC about the review but they are advised that submissions are not required to be elaborate documents and should be limited to the scope of the review.
The public information session will be held on 22 November at 7pm while the deadline for submission is 7 December at 5pm.
For more information call the VEC on 131 VEC or visit the website at

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