By Christine de Kock
A NEW truck action group has formed in the Brooklyn/Tottenham industrial precinct, and this time it’s the trucking companies who are speaking out.
The Freight Access Action Group (FAAG) wants signals installed at the intersection of Somerville Rd and Alick Rd.
They also want another access point to Frederick Rd, which is a continuation of Alick Rd, and which is only accessible from the Somerville Rd intersection.
The group is lobbying the state and local governments for the infrastructure upgrade.
The Victorian Transport Association (VTA) is backing the group.
VTA deputy chief executive Neil Chambers said the traffic congestion at the intersection was cause for concern.
“There are about 4000 vehicle movements in and out of Alick Rd everyday through that intersection,” he said.
Mr Chambers said congestion could cause 20-minute delays and road users encountered near misses and accidents at the intersection.
He said as there was no other entry point into Alick/Frederick Rd other than the Somerville Rd intersection, trucks backed up along Alick Rd as drivers waited to exit.
A report commissioned by FAAG and prepared by Silent Partner Consulting includes a survey of truck companies operating in the area.
One company stated:
“Our estimates suggest that at least $150,000 per annum is added to our business in operating costs each year.”
The statement continues:
“If (Maribyrnong City Council) is unable to assist in the future we will need to consider an appeal through VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) to have our rateable value reassessed.”
Mr Chambers said activity at the precinct was set to increase with the expansion of the Port of Melbourne Corporation.
Maribyrnong mayor Janet Rice said Somerville Rd west of Geelong Rd was controlled by VicRoads, but Alick Rd was managed by the council.
“Alick Rd was never designed or constructed to accommodate frequency of large truck traffic,” she said.
“Our council has no control over the growth of container storage parks and truck traffic in the area, but we are left to deal with the road damage and impact of trucks chugging through our residential streets.”
Cr Rice said the council introduced parking restrictions in Alick Street to ease the congestion problems.
“We’ve also submitted funding bids to VicRoads to upgrade the intersection to improve the safety of drivers and pedestrians,” she said.
VicRoads acting metro north west regional manager Steve Brown said the organisation had developed a proposal for traffic signals at the intersection.
“The proposal will be considered by government under a future state government funding program,” he said in a statement.