Cash burnt

A DEMOLITION waste recycling business in Brooklyn has been fined almost $6000 by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) after being caught in the act of burning industrial waste.
K & K Property Holdings Pty Ltd received the fine for breaching the Environment Protection Act by disposing of waste inappropriately on site in two separate incidents in March.
EPA director Chris Webb said it was unacceptable that the business was impacting on the local
Brooklyn community, particularly when EPA and other agencies were working hard to improve odour and dust issues in the area.
“Burning waste without a permit is illegal and clearly there are safer and more environmentally responsible ways to dispose of demolition waste, scrap metal, equipment and other industrial waste,” he said.
“The most disappointing aspect to the case is that EPA officers caught the business not once, but twice, burning waste during regular visits.”
Mr Webb said the EPA had tried to make contact with K & K Property Holdings Pty Ltd on several occasions to discuss their actions, but they had not responded.
The company has 28 days to pay the fine, seek a review or have the matter dealt with in court.

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