WITH the arrival of summer and warmer weather, Wyndham residents have been warned to stay away from dangerous channels.
Southern Rural Water’s Manager of Water Supply West, Edward Smith, said water channels through the Werribee Irrigation District are like major roads and highways and should be treated that way.
“They are vital delivery routes for water,” Mr Smith said.
“They are not safe locations to play or swim. The channels are sometimes empty, but can fill quickly without warning when we divert water into the system – and the water flows very rapidly.
“We don’t allow our children, pets or stock out onto a busy road – we need to take the same attitude to our channels.”
Mr Smith also said parents should keep a close eye on their children around dams in areas like Werribee South.
“The reality is all channels and dams are dangerous. Many dangers lurk beneath the surface and water levels can change rapidly,” he said.
“Pipes, siphons, rocks and debris can be hidden below the surface and are likely to injure people, pets and stock.”
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