Free legal service opens in Braybrook

By Charlene Gatt
THE FOOTSCRAY Community Legal Centre is branching out with a free legal and financial counselling clinic in Braybrook.
The new service will run out of Braybrook Community Centre and Braybrook Maidstone Neighbourhood House on Tuesdays and Thursdays respectively and will provide legal advice, information and referrals.
Solicitor Will Dwyer said the service would offer advice on numerous legal minefields, including consumer rights, debts, infringements, car accidents, tenancy matters, family law and intervention orders.
It will not deal with criminal or migration law.
Mr Dwyer said the high density of public housing and new migrants in the area spurred an ongoing need to provide financial counselling.
“A lot of it is people having trouble with utility bills or high-purchase loan agreements or contracts they don’t understand and are amassing debts,” he said.
“For many years there has been a conspicuous and neglectful absence of free and accessible legal and financial counselling services in Braybrook.
“These residents are often reluctant and hesitant to seek help about legal or financial problems, often because they do not know where or whom to turn.”
The clinic will run from 10am to 4pm. Appointments are required. To book a time at Braybrook Community Centre, call 9334 6600. To book a time at the Braybrook Maidstone Neighbourhood House, call 9317 5610.

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