COMMUNITY group leases and conversions to warm weather grass are two topics Brimbank City Council will raise with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) on 2 November.
Council will table two recommendations at the state council of the MAV after it endorsed the recommendations at its last ordinary council meeting on 25 September.
The recommendations will be tabled by the council’s representative, Cr Anthony Abate.
The first will include a request that the MAV continue to pursue the Office of Small Business to grant local government an exemption from provisions covering the operation of retail leases in the case of community group leases.
The second will ask the MAV to seek watering exemptions from the State Government for local government to implement warm weather grass conversions during periods of water restrictions including stages 3, 3a and 4.
Brimbank mayor Margaret Giudice said both issues were important to Brimbank and would be relevant to other local government areas.
“We believe that changes need to be made so that the leases councils enter into with community groups for use of community facilities are not considered retail leases,” Cr Giudice said.
“We also want to seek an exemption from the State Government to allow councils to implement warm weather grass conversions while water restrictions are in place.”
Cr Abate said he was eager to take the two issues to the MAV state council.