Wide range of issues

By Allon Lee
MORE cultural and leisure centres, increased on-street police numbers, and funding for youth services are some of the promises being made by Brimbank City Council candidates.
The Greens, who have two candidates in the election, have promised to increase community consultation, lobby for greater aged-care and disabilities funding, adopt a refugee-friendly attitude, and tailor policies to meet indigenous and multicultural needs.
The Greens’ policies also include lobbying for more youth workers and drug treatment services, protecting environmentally sensitive areas from developments and encouraging greater energy efficiency by the council and residents.
Horseshoe Bend Ward candidate Dr Kathryn Eriksson’s policy document included council recognition of achievement by Brimbank schools, increasing community links with Victoria University, boosting public transport and access to medical services for senior citizens, lobbying against aircraft noise, and protecting natural and historically important sites.
Rescue Brimbank Together (RBT) released its business, transport, safety, sports and recreation, and resident-friendly policies.
RBT’s transport policy includes completing three lanes on Ballarat Road between Cairnlea and Deer Park, lobbying for the electrification of the rail line to Deer Park and a railway station at Caroline Springs, and addressing the lack of public toilets at Keilor Plains train station.
RBT’s leisure policy includes adding another leisure pool at the Sunshine pool, improving the St Albans pool more quickly, and consulting with Sydenham residents about building an aquatic centre in their area.
RBT’s safety policy includes lobbying for permanent police kiosks at Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans, Sunshine and Watergardens.
The group’s resident-friendly policy promises to regularly hold council meetings in suburbs other than Sunshine.
And RBT’s business policy advocates reduced rates for businesses that help improve local streetscapes, greater business input in the spending of special rates, reinstating a commercial waste collection in shopping and business areas and building a cultural centre for Brimbank.
Grasslands Ward candidate Ken Capar’s policies include advocating for the electrification of the Deer Park train station and revitalising the car park area behind Deer Park shopping precinct on Ballarat Road.
Harvester Ward candidate Greg Petersen’s policies include finding money to build a community centre in Sunshine catering for recreation, short courses and community programs, more youth leisure facilities and increased targeting of vandalism.

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