Healthy choices for kids

Caption: Lisa Menzel will launch a ‘Healthy Families’ program in Point Cook to support parents of overweight children 102415 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


A new group therapy program is being launched in Point Cook for parents of overweight primary school-aged children.
Point Cook counsellor and resident Lisa Menzel is starting a ‘Healthy Families’ program to help and support local families who have overweight young children.
Ms Menzel said the program will help families make better lifestyle choices.
“It’s a holistic program for parents, because they are the mediators of change for their families, they have the power and control to limit take-away foods and to promote and encourage their children to get up and exercise and they can do it together,” Ms Menzel said.
“It’s about a whole family lifestyle change not targeting children specifically,” she said.
Ms Menzel said the program would be a peer group for parents who will be able to support each other.
“I know it’s a difficult topic, it can be really challenging and confronting for parents to admit that maybe their child is overweight or maybe other family members are overweight because it can be generational,” she said.
“We’re not trying to point the blame or point responsibility onto anybody, it’s non-judgemental and it’s a safe environment for parents to just talk and share their journeys and support each other.”
The program will offer nutritional and exercise information, parenting skills and resources.
“If parents are concerned about their kids’ weight, their social skills and overall wellbeing I think this would be a really good program for them to join,” Ms Menzel said.
For expression of interest contact Lisa Menzel on 0413 001 855 or visit

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