Stamp of success

Students Jack and Tia prepare for class. 102427 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


POINT Cook Senior College students are preparing to make their mark next year when selected students take part in two new programs being introduced to the school.
In 2014 Point Cook Senior will run two accelerated learning programs for Year 10 students as part of the school’s Select Tertiary Admission Master Program, or STAMP.
The programs will be a specialisation in Maths/Science and Commerce/Law with focus on tertiary entrance.
Program Leader Bronwyn Cambridge said the programs will give students an opportunity to excel.
“The programs put more of a focus on areas students are interested whether it be Maths/Science or Commerce/Law,” Ms Cambridge said.
For these core subjects class sizes will be limited to 15 students and will include an individual support program for each student.
“It’s more focus learning,” Ms Cambridge said of the smaller class sizes.
“It gives the students an advantage,” she said.
Students will begin the program in Year 10 and continue until Year 12.
In year 12 students will also have the opportunity to complete university subjects further preparing them for tertiary entrance.
The school has a partnership with Victoria University and if students do well enough in their subjects they will have the chance to study at the university upon completion.
Ms Cambridge said students who have already taken part in STAMP in previous years at the school attained above average scores.
Students will need to complete a select entry test before getting accepted into the program.
Apart from STAMP Ms Cambridge said the school offers other programs and a wide range of subjects for all students who may be interested in different areas, such as sport.

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