Kimberley bags smart trophy

Kimberly Stamenkovic has been awarded for her unique business idea. 69083   Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIKimberly Stamenkovic has been awarded for her unique business idea. 69083 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

POINT Cook students have shown they are business savvy by creating an award winning idea and winning a prestigious competition along the way.
Year 11 students Kimberly Stamenkovic and Ilsa de Fenyi-Pollet, from Point Cook Senior Secondary College, created a business plan for an organic supermarket, taking out Best Business Plan – Year 11 Group at the Victoria University iPaB (I Plan and Business) contest.
Ilsa, a French exchange student, has since returned to her home country.
Kimberly said each team needed to create an inspiring plan centred around an original idea.
“We had to come up with a business idea and plan for it, but the idea had to be original,” Kimberly said.
“Our main idea was to have smart bags, which are full of fruit and vegetables that are in season, and then sell them at a cheaper price.”
The girls also had the honour of being the only state school representatives to take out a prize in the competition.
They received $500, which they split equally between them.
Kimberly said she was surprised to win the contest, and is now weighing up whether or not she will enter the business world when she finishes school.
“I didn’t think we were going to win, because I thought we had a pretty boring idea,” she said.
“I don’t really know what I want to do after school yet, but the business industry is one of my options at the moment.”

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