Web surfing on the rise

WYNDHAM residents are clearly not adverse to surfing the web, with a record amount of people visiting the council’s website this year.
The average number of visits to the site per month has risen to 55,000, compared to 41,000 in 2010, with 61,000 visits recorded in March.
A council spokesperson said a number of new pages and links have recently been launched on the website, including the Online Business Register, the Werribee South Caravan Park website and links to a Twitter account.
Wyndham Mayor John Menegazzo said the website was a great way for residents to get more information.
“Our website is a one-stop shop for residents looking for information on projects, works and events, contact details, providing feedback or links to download policies and strategies,” Cr Menegazzo said.
“The Wyndham City website also features a customer service requests and email links for our various departments and councillors, allowing residents to contact council outside normal office hours.”
For more information, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au.

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