Microchip your pet

AS AUSTRALIA Day fireworks make a racket, Wyndham Council is reminding residents to have their pets microchipped and their contact details up to date.
Summer is the most common time of year for pets to go missing, especially when fireworks cause the furry friends to run away in fear.
Microchips are a small computer chip, approximately the size of a grain of rice, that are implanted underneath the skin, by a vet or other authorized implanter.
It is a simple procedure similar to a vaccination. Each microchip has a unique number that is linked to the owner’s details.
But council employees are only able to track down owners through a microchip if the owner’s details are up to date.
The council is also recommended that you have your pet regularly scanned to ensure the microchip hasn’t moved or stopped working.
For more information call 9742 0777.

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