A fine time to pay

FINE evaders in the City of Wyndham face their wages being docked and property seized under new legislation to collect millions of dollars in unpaid fines.
The Attorney-General’s office said 11,423 people in the municipality owed the government $14.7 million in multiple warrants for unpaid fines. Residents are urged to pay up before 1 July, when new legislation will be introduced to force people to pay their fines.
Sanctions will allow the vehicles of fine evaders to be wheel clamped, their vehicle registration and licenses suspended and not renewed, wages deducted, and personal and real property seized. The State Government will waive the warrant fees until 31 May to encourage residents to pay before the sanctions are introduced. Warrant fees will be waived on fines for speeding, running red lights, littering and fare evasion among other infringements.
A Justice Department spokesperson said people only have to pay their original fine plus an administration fee if they make use of the amnesty. For further information call the waiver helpline on 9200 8222 or Werribee Legal Service on 9741 0198

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