Help plant a tree

Wyndham Mayor Kim McAliney is excited about National Tree Day. 84432 Picture: XAVIER SMERDONWyndham Mayor Kim McAliney is excited about National Tree Day. 84432 Picture: XAVIER SMERDON

WYNDHAM will look a little bit greener when the council holds a National Tree Day planting event at the end of this month.
President’s Park will be the site for this year, with Wyndham Council, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water, Western Melbourne Catchments Network and the Werribee River Association all working together.
Wyndham Mayor Kim McAliney said community participation is vital, and we hope to get 250 volunteers to help plant up to 2,500 plants.
“Presidents Park is an important location because it is habitat for many native species, and is widely used by the local community,” Cr McAliney said
“We are aiming to plant 2,500 plants to provide habitat for local fauna as well as beautifying the Park and providing more shady trees.”
Cr McAliney said not only would the event improve Wyndham’s environment, it would provide a chance for residents to be entertained.
“On the day there will be plenty of entertainment and chances to find out about local flora and fauna and find out about your local environmental group,” she said.
“National Tree Day helps us do something positive for the environment and reconnect with nature. In 2011, thousands of Australians planted over one million native trees, shrubs and grasses at more than 2900 Tree Day events.
“We’ll be planting local native plants which have adapted over a long period of time to Wyndham’s specific conditions and will thrive here.”
National Tree Day will be held on Sunday 29 July from 10am at Presidents Park in Werribee.

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