How social media is helping to grind coffee success

Andrew Dimasi shows off his coffee cart. 84311 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNIAndrew Dimasi shows off his coffee cart. 84311 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

A TARNEIT man has used the skills he has gained from his full time job along with his business background and passion to create a unique business.
Andrew Dimasi and his wife Michelle launched 92 Degree Espresso, a business that sees them take custom made coffee carts to events all over Melbourne.
Mr Dimasi, an Information Technology manager by trade and a passionate coffee lover, combined his skills to get the business off the ground last month.
“Let’s face it, what IT person doesn’t love coffee?” Mr Dimasi said.
With a background in IT, Mr Dimasi said he had been utilising social media to generate interest and create word of mouth advertising for his business.
“We’ve got a great website and Facebook page but the most interest by far has been through Twitter,” he said.
Mr Dimasi said he believed he had found a niche in the market. That is, delivering specialty coffee, custom tailored packages for private and corporate functions along with a strong corporate social responsibility ethos.
“I understand the science of coffee, from bean to cup. From the way the coffee is grown and dried, to different roasting methods and profiles. There are many different extraction methods and each method can affect the final product” Mr Dimasi said
So obsessed is Mr Dimasi with creating the perfect cup of coffee, his business’s name is based on the optimum temperature to extract coffee, which is at 92 degrees.
For more information visit or follow them on twitter @92deg_espresso.

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