Vintage clothing reborn

Sisters Tylar and Ebony have created their own unique fashion brand. 84231 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNISisters Tylar and Ebony have created their own unique fashion brand. 84231 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

TWO sisters with a passion for fashion and a determination to make a difference have created a fashion label like no other.
Tylar Borg from Altona and her older sister Ebony Demicoli from Point Cook established their own company, Tee Dane, in April.
Ms Borg said the label produced vintage clothing reborn with all the clothes sourced from opportunity shops and then given a makeover to fit in to a modern world.
“When I was in high school I would always get complimented on my outfits because I was creating unique, one-off items from opp shop clothes,” Ms Borg told Star.
“Back then I was doing it for myself but then I basically realised that all girls want to feel exclusive and special and I just wanted to share that with other people.”
Ms Borg said that all the profits her and Ms Demicoli make from Tee Dane are currently being put directly back into the business.
After just two months of selling their clothes on social networking site facebook, the sisters already have 1500 virtual customers.
“I’ve had the idea for a long time but I wasn’t sure how this would look on the other side but everyone seems to be loving it,” Ms Borg said.
“The items that we are creating are still the vintage clothing but it hasn’t just been taken off the rack and sold at a higher price. We’ve given our own special touch to it.”
Each item of clothing could take the sisters a day to create.
For more information visit

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