Celebrating a new life and art

Nasiba Solehi's artwork is a finalist in the Heartlands Refugee Art Prize 100944 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the artwork of Hoppers Crossing resident Nasiba Solehi is worth just that.
Mrs Solehi came to Australia in 2011 as a refugee from Tajikistan.
Her artwork is not of a person or a thing, but about her own story, she said.
One she shares with many other refugees.
“It was about the people who go through refugee difficulties, like having to leave their country, their home, their friends and their relatives and go through a hard time when preparing for a new life, in a new place and the hope to get there,” Mrs Solehi said.
The theme for Refugee Week from 2012 to 2014 is Restoring Hope and Mrs Solehi said her artwork is about the hope that never dies.
“I went through lots of years of difficulties and I was hoping one day that everything would be fine and everything would change and I can go through life again like a normal person,” she said.
Mrs Solehi is a finalist in the Heartlands Refugee Art Prize.
“I’m not actually hoping to win, I just love to be there and just have a good time with everyone,” Mrs Solehi said.
Mrs Solehi said she was looking forward to meet other refugees and see their stories through their artwork.
Mrs Solehi said it was a great experience because she spent time painting with her husband, who also entered artwork.
She was very thankful for her life in Australia and the understanding and support she received as a refugee.

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