Full of flavour

Wil and Julia Mevissen, left, and Nina and Sue Keeble check out the contents of their book. 72149   Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTWil and Julia Mevissen, left, and Nina and Sue Keeble check out the contents of their book. 72149 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

By Charlene Gatt
IT’S the cookbook that has both kids and parents salivating.
Featuring over 200 sweet and savoury recipes, Flavours is a community cookbook that has been put together by Footscray City Primary School mums Sue Keeble and Julia Mevissen.
The pair contacted other parents in the school community and put notices in school newsletters to attract a range of recipes.
They also added a few of their own, including Ms Keeble’s Upside-Down Mango Cake and Ms Mevissen’s Vegetable Curry.
“We wanted it to be representative of the diversity of the school,” Ms Keeble said.
“A lot of the recipes are ones that have been handed down from generation to generation.”
Each recipe features a small anecdote that details the history of the dish and what it means to the person that contributed it.
The book was designed by another parent and printed out on recycled paper. Even the kids have gotten in on the act, with some cooking classes hosted in the book’s honour.
Flavours can be purchased at the Footscray City Primary School office for $25. All proceeds from the sale of the book will be invested in the school.

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