Litter monster hits town

The litter monster is getting ready to attack. 94081 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

WYNDHAM is about to be harassed by a scary, dangerous monster, but it has good intentions.
The Litter Monster is a creation of the LitterWatch, a group that is working towards cleaning up Wyndham.
LitterWatch is a new group that brings together the Werribee River Association, Melbourne Water, Wyndham Council, the Western Melbourne Catchment Network and Crossroads Uniting Church.
At next month’s Weerama Festival the group will launch their new anti-litter campaign and introduce the community to the Litter Monster.
Colleen Miller created the monster out of hundreds of plastic bags which she crocheted together.
“My family is glad to not hear the rustling of plastic bags anymore honestly,” Ms Miller said.
President of the Werribee River Association, John Forrester, said the initiative was started after the Uniting Church expressed interest in doing something to tackle rubbish in the community.
“We realised it was hopeless by ourselves but if we involved everyone we could get it done,” Mr Forrester said.
“We’ve been strategically contacting schools and we hope to have more than 2000 students involved so they can hear about the problem we are creating through litter.
“It’s about local action leading to strategic outcomes and trying to effect good solid outcomes.”
LitterWatch will also be bringing internationally recognised environmentalist Tim Silverwood to Wyndham in April to help them spread the message.
For more information visit the Werribee River Association’s facebook page.

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