New school reality

CAROLINE Springs may be home to a new grammar school by the end of the year.
Western Institute of Technology owner and Truganina resident Intaj Khan told Star he is presently in the process of analysing data to decide the appropriate level of schooling required in the area.
Mr Khan said the proposed grammar school would initially offer either primary or secondary school enrolments and he hoped to put a submission into the Department of Education in the near future.
The millionaire businessman bought the former Mowbray College site in October last year and at the time vowed to introduce another educational facility into the area.
“My understanding is there is a need and demand (for a grammar school) in the area,” Mr Khan said.
“We want to help the community and make sure parents’ needs are met.”
He said a grammar school was definitely a reality and his company was presently in the midst of completing the “final processes”.
The news will come as a relief to local families whose children were left stranded after the collapse of Mowbray College in June last year. Up to 1200 students and 200 staff were affected by the shock closure.
A VCAL program will be offered to Year 11 and 12 students at the site by as early as April this year under the name of Western Senior College.
Mr Khan said a website and online application forms were already available for the VCAL program, which would offer students a chance to gain two qualifications while completing their studies.

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