A Point Cook film maker is taking a stand against domestic violence through the production of a new short film.
Producer and Writer Tony Hooper has joined forces with Director Byron J Brochmann in standing against domestic violence and sending the message across a medium everyone can share.
Mr Hooper hoped the short film titled ‘Under the Bed’ will raise awareness of the growing problem of domestic violence and its effects on families.
“It’s a sad truth that domestic violence is widespread across our communities, affecting every walk of life, with nearly all Australians knowing someone who has suffered from this evil,” Mr Hooper said.
Mr Hooper said the film concentrated on the children and forgotten victims of domestic violence.
He said the story reflected the loss of innocence that children suffered in an abusive household.
“If we want to break the cycle of pain we need to do something and that’s not turning a blind eye and that’s being proactive and hopefully giving families a chance to reinvent themselves and give those kids a sense of hope,” he said.
The issue is extremely personal to Mr Hooper who also suffered abuse as a child.
“As someone who knows the true horror of abuse I wanted to push boundaries within the subject, with our goal from the production to create awareness that each of us needs to take responsibility to speak out when we see abuse,” Mr Hooper said.
But the film cannot be completed without much needed funds so Mr Hooper and Mr Brochmann have established a crowd funding campaign asking the community to help fund the production and message.
“The crowd funding campaign is to make the script come to life,” Mr Hooper said.
“Given the subject matter and how important it is to tell a high quality and truthful story, we want to get the resources together to put our ‘A-game’ on and best foot forward.”
“If every household in Wyndham can contribute $5 we’ve got the lead we need to make a film and ensure this important and sensitive story is told.”
For more information or to contribute visit