JACK Russells are top dogs in the City of Maribyrnong.
Pet registration figures show that Fox Terriers and Maltese Terriers follow close behind in the popularity stakes.
Figures show there are more dogs registered in the municipality with 6549 dogs tagged compared to 3812 cats this year.
The council registered a total of 10,360 pets in April whereas only 5747 were registered in 2002.
Mayor Janet Rice said this jump was not due to pet ownership figures increasing but rather “more people acting responsibly and registering their pets”.
“There’s a fair amount of coverage in the media at the moment about dog attacks and responsible pet ownership,” she said.
“The truth is, the vast number of pet owners do act responsibly, but everyone who owns a pet needs to take it seriously.”
The council will hold a discount micro chipping day at Ernie Shepherd Gardens, cnr Suffolk and Gibb streets in Maidstone on Saturday 14 October from 10am to 2pm. Inquiries 9688 0200