Council loses planning role in shake up

By Stephen Linnell
WYNDHAM Council is set to lose some of its planning power under a range of reforms announced by the State Government last week.
The reforms mean some planning issues previously decided by the council alone will now be made by a committee comprising State Government, council and independent representatives.
The reforms, which include the establishment of Development Assessment Committees (DAC), form part of the State Government’s response to an independent audit of Melbourne 2030 – the state’s planning blueprint.
Tarneit MP Tim Pallas said the reforms would deliver clearer planning for future housing needs and a more co-ordinated, stronger partnership with Wyndham Council.
“Since 2002 we have faced some new and increased challenges such as population growth, climate change, housing affordability and transport challenges,” Mr Pallas said.
“These challenges require decisive action and the Victorian Government has released a suite of initiatives to meet these issues, manage our growth and enhance our liveability.
“For Wyndham this means a new, more effective way of planning for the future of our community.”
Mr Pallas said the Victorian Government would work with Wyndham Council to plan for future housing needs by developing clear requirements for the amount and diversity of housing needed in Wyndham.
“It’s important that we plan for the numbers and diversity of housing needed for Wyndham’s future. By working together with state and local government we can accommodate the natural growth of our community.
“It’s equally important that we put people of Wyndham at the heart of planning for our community.
“This is why we will partner with local councils to provide better, more effective community engagement in planning issues up front.”
Mr Pallas said the State Government would also bring forward “priority projects” under the State Government’s $10.5 billion transport policy but there was no mention of funding for the Werribee/Cottrell Street upgrade.
Mr Pallas said the Victorian Government would establish a development assessment committees in partnership with Wyndham Council to make planning decisions in relation to areas and matters of metropolitan significance.
Each of these committees will include two State Government and two council nominees and a mutually independent chairperson.
No date has yet been set for the establishment of the Wyndham committee.

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