Sporting chance to beat drought

FIVE Wyndham sports grounds will benefit from new drought-resistant surfaces after receiving substantial State Government and council funding.
Announcing a $100,000 grant from the State Government at Presidents Park last week, Sport and Recreation Minister James Merlino said the funding would go towards replacing existing surfaces at local venues with warm-season grasses and the installation of drip irrigation systems.
“Managing the effects of the drought is a challenge for all Victorians,” he said.
“These projects will ensure that sports grounds in Wyndham are low-maintenance as well as drought-resistant and able to withstand more wear and tear.
Mr Merlino joined Tarneit MP Tim Pallas and Wyndham mayor Kim McAliney at the Presidents Park softball ground for the announcement.
“The effects of the drought have forced us to think of new ways to keep sport alive in the face of climate change.
“Today’s funding is about giving the local community more opportunities to get involved in sport and recreation – no matter what the weather brings,” he said.
The sports grounds to benefit are Galvin Park Oval, Glen Orden Reserve, Grange Reserve, Mossfiel Reserve and Presidents Park. The grant is part of the government’s $12.9 million drought relief for community sport program that has already funded more than 70 projects in 42 Victorian local government areas.
Mr Pallas said the grant would make a difference to local sporting clubs, players and supporters.
“Local sports grounds are vital to the social fabric, strength and wellbeing of any community and by improving the quality of those facilities we are encouraging greater participation for all Victorians, so this is a great result,” he said.

“By investing in water-efficient assets such as drought-resistant turf and other water-saving projects for our sports facilities, we are making a difference now and into the future for the local community.”
Mr Merlino congratulated Wyndham City Council on its $82,000 contribution to the drought-relief projects.

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