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Katalin Belos gears up as a pink lady every year. 108592 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


AS Breast Cancer Awareness month comes to an end for another year the message of hope will continue to echo in the hearts of many.
Werribee resident Katalin Belos is one of the hundreds of people who have spread the message of love and hope this October.
The 75-year-old has volunteered her time to raise money and awareness for breast cancer and other cancers for the past three years.
Full of passion and enthusiasm Ms Belos volunteered her time as a pink lady selling merchandise and collecting donations at Werribee Plaza for Pink Ribbon Day last week.
“I love to sell the products and I love to meet people and talk to people,” Ms Belos said.
As a volunteer Ms Belos was touched by stories of the many people she met and she too touched many hearts.
Ms Belos said she liked to share a special poem with those who had been affected by cancer.
Last time she volunteered she shared the poem with a lady whose mother was fighting cancer.
The lady came back to Ms Belos to tell her the poem made her mother feel good and had touched the whole family.
“I found the poem in the newspaper a long time ago and if somebody comes and they are suffering from cancer or they have a relative suffering from cancer I’ll give it to them,” Ms Belos said.
Ms Belos also understands the pain of cancer.
She was misdiagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and underwent surgery.
She said it was a very painful experience but she does not let it diminish her spirit.
Ms Belos said when she was volunteering she felt like she was on top of the world.
“I love it, I can hardly wait for it,” Ms Belos said.
To get involved for 2014 visit /volunteer-your-time

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