Councillor’s spending habits

WYNDHAM Councillors spent almost $200 of ratepayers money every day over the last five months, according to the latest expenses and entitlements figures.
At last week’s council meeting, the last before the council election result became known on Sunday, it was revealed that in the months from June to October this year councillors made claims totalling $27,601.57.
The most expensive councillor reimbursements were for elective training and development at $6616, conference and seminar costs at $5735.94 and child care $3870.18.
Councillor’s attendances at functions and events also entitled them to $3,365 while they claimed $3135.15 for quarterly equipment reimbursement.
Deputy Mayor Glenn Goodfellow claimed the largest amount of money with $7446.67 of entitlements, above the annual councillor wage of $26,188.
Cr Goodfellow claimed $6396 for elective training and development, however an Australian Institute of Company Directors course that he attended was paid for using a points system operated by the Municipal Association of Victoria, meaning that the actual cost to ratepayers was up to nine per cent cheaper than reported in the expenses and entitlements documents.
Mayor Kim McAliney had the second largest expense package at $4,954.12, followed closely by outgoing councillor John Menegazzo at $4375.10.
Councillor Adele Hegedich claimed the least of all her colleagues.
By not claiming anything for stationary, functions and events, general travel allowance, child care, conference and seminars or elective training and development, Cr Hegedich was reimbursed just $710.74.
Last week was the first time the council had prepared the expenses to be reported every six months at a council meeting, previously being provided to the media by request.

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