A DAVID and Goliath battle has been won by the little guys, even if it is only round one.
In January this year Shaheen Holdings made a development application to build 68 dwellings at 100 Walls Rd in Werribee.
The application went before Wyndham Council where it received 122 objections from annoyed and concerned neighbours.
Residents complained about the increase in traffic and the disregard for neighbourhood character. The Council rejected the application, forcing the developers to take it to VCAT.
Last week VCAT’s verdict came back.
The residents had won the battle and the developers will have to reconsider their entire application. One resident, who did not wish to be named, said the residents were “relieved”.
“We know that the area will be developed eventually, we just want it to be done correctly,” the resident said. The resident said that this victory gives other people around Wyndham hope that they too can fight unrealistic development in their neighbourhood. that if they don’t lose focus and stick with it… they can fight it,” the resident said.