Plan properly or pay price

WYNDHAM property owners displaying a sign without a valid permit received more planning infringement notices than anyone else in the municipality over the last 12 months.
Wyndham Council issued 40 planning infringement notices over the last 12 months according to figures obtained by Star.
Of the 40 notices issued 15 were for displaying signs without a permit while another eight were issued for prohibited signage.
Another seven notices were issued for using a premises without a valid permit while five were issued for the contravention of a planning permit and four were given for erecting a satellite dish without a permit.
Wyndham’s Acting Director of Sustainable Development Peter Van Til said residents and business owners were only given notices as a last resort.
“Wyndham City’s preferred approach when planning permit regulations are breached is to try and reach a resolution with the property owner,” Mr Van Til said.
“Where this is not possible, planning infringement notices are issued.”
Earlier this month, Mayor Kim McAliney warned residents and business owners that the cost of infringement notices had risen dramatically.
Planning Penalties of $704 for a person and $1408 for a company or body corporate now apply to all planning infringement notices, with the maximum penalty available to a court increasing to $169,008.
“Wyndham City and the State Government have a number of requirements when it comes to installing items such as satellite dishes or operating a business on your premises,” Cr McAliney said.
“These legislative requirements and by-laws ensure that all works are undertaken safely and in accordance with community expectations.”

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