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Tag: Mr Windsor

Windsor to hold Armidale Town Hall meeting

The Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor, will hold a public meeting at the Armidale Town Hall on Thursday, November 15 from 7pm...

Coalition “changed its priorities” over Armidale Hospital

Independent Member for New England Tony Windsor believes that NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, who admitted on ABC Radio New England North West...

Jury still out on Land Use Policy

According to the Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor,  the New South Wales Government’s Strategic Regional Land Use Policy that claims to protect...

Online portal for council services

Armidale Dumaresq Council will receive $375,000 in federal funding to develop a new online portal that uses the National Broadband Network (NBN) to give...

“Paws Up” bow-WOWS PM

In an amazing display of working dog high jumping at Parliament House in Canberra last week, the Armidale “Paws Up” team absolutely bow-WOWED the...

Have jeans will travel

The Paws Up team and their jumping dogs are off to Canberra this week to show the Prime Minister and other politicians in the...

Funding boost keeps BackTrack on track

The highly successful BackTrack Program, which helps young people at risk and gets them back on track, has been awarded $800,000 over the next...

Armidale Hospital upgrade derailed

Member for New England, Tony Windsor has lodged a Freedom of Information request in the hope of shedding light on the derailing of Armidale...

Entirely new meaning of the word “tax’

Following the orders of his fiscal chief, Wayne Swan (world's greatest treasurer), our own Tony Windsor (world's greatest advocate of white- elephant NBN) reveals...

Don’t blame price hike on carbon tax: Windsor

Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor is pointing the finger squarely at the New South Wales government for using the Federal Government's price...

Smart Home now under construction

The Broadband Smart Home, located in Queen Elizabeth Drive will demonstrate many of the real-world applications of the NBN, including home automation, remote health...

Business embraces NBN

The potential of the National Broadband Network (NBN) is twofold with regional business and education harnessing the new technology with the launch of,...