“Paws Up” bow-WOWS PM

In an amazing display of working dog high jumping at Parliament House in Canberra last week, the Armidale “Paws Up” team absolutely bow-WOWED the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, according to the Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor.
In front of a large crowd including many Federal Ministers and staffers, the 15 Paws Up lads and their dogs put on a memorable performance showing why they currently hold the Australian high jump record and how the program is helping young people develop.
Mr Windsor said that the team enthralled the large audience, not only with the heights the dogs could clear but also with their very entertaining way of doing their job.
“The Paws Up team is a show in its own right.
“The dogs might be the initial attraction to engage the audience, but the way the boys work with the dogs and the tricks they themselves perform with the dogs really takes the display from a test of high jumping skill to a very special performance.
“They really WOW the crowd,” Mr Windsor said.
Mr Windsor is sure that the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was in awe of the Paws Up team.
“The Prime Minister was totally engaged in what the Paws Up team was doing, especially when they gave her the youngest pup on the team to ‘mind’.
“Ms Gillard listened intently to the message that Bernie Shakeshaft — Backtrack Co-ordinator – was giving in commentary about the program and was particularly impressed with the message delivered by Guyra farmer Murray Lupton who has had Backtrack boys on his property, working alongside them, teaching them and, as he said, ‘learning so much from them too’,” Mr Windsor said.
Mr Windsor is delighted that the Prime Minister and other Members of Parliament have had the opportunity to see first-hand what the Backtrack Program is doing and what the recent announcement of Federal Government assistance will help achieve in expanding the program.

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