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Tag: Prime Minister

Have jeans will travel

The Paws Up team and their jumping dogs are off to Canberra this week to show the Prime Minister and other politicians in the...

Gay and lesbian marriage

Looking back, I would have to say that the freely made decision to marry the love of my life was the most significant and...

‘Get even’ plot

Peter Slipper's slide down the slippery slope is beginning to smell like a sleazy Liberal “get even” plot. It has been suggested that Slipper's gay...

Armidale Hospital upgrade derailed

Member for New England, Tony Windsor has lodged a Freedom of Information request in the hope of shedding light on the derailing of Armidale...

Abbott will say whatever it suits him to say

The International Monetary Fund announced that the Australian economy is the strongest in the developed world after China. (Sky Television 17-4). Tony Abbott immediately...

No 92 Federation and Armidale, Part 11

Federation stories are just one of many reminders of how Australia was dependent on the Poms. Even after five of the Australian Colonies had...

Give to the rich

It should be clear to all that Tony Windsor's revelation that Tony Abbott would be prepared to do or say anything to become Prime...