High school’s offerings impress

Local high school students are starting to find their feet in their new environment.
With almost three weeks in, for example, Port High Year 7 students are finding their feet in their new school home.
Four students were asked their thoughts on how things have been in high school.
In response to the question, “What has been the biggest change for you?” Savannah Elias said changing classes every period during the day. Sarah Hill thought it was leaving behind friends.
Allie Grant said it was the size of the school while Maddie Evans liked the idea of now having a locker and not having to carry all her stuff around with her.
The best thing about high school was the idea of doing cooking and textiles according to Maddie and Savannah.
Making new friends was Sarah’s observation, while Allie was enjoying doing new subjects like Geography.
So with just under six years to go they are off to a good start.

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